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Dawn Thomson Photography


Brought up in the Deep South, in quite literally, the middle of no where, Sophie spent a lot of her time helping her Mother out in the kitchen — from making scones to baking muffins, Sophie was always eager to create something new and test of family recipes.


During her teens, Sophie started making cupcakes for friends and family which started her obsession with experimenting with new flavours and trying exciting decorative designs. Any afternoon free was spent going through recipe books, creating a moreish slice and cake and bringing them back to school for classmates to try.


After receiving Entrepreneur award at The Gore Youth Award in 2013, Sophie realised her passion and carried on to study at Culinary School at SIT. From receiving Level 3 & 4 Certificate in Cookery, Sophie moved up to Queenstown, NZ, where she had the pleasure of joining the teams at Vudu Cafe & Larder, Yonder and Jacks Point Restaurant, working under talented chefs and gaining valuable experience and knowledge.


In 2019, Sophie was lucky enough to work under Brittany Thurston from White Rabbit Cakes, expanding her skills in wedding cakes, recipe adjustments, baking techniques and stylish cake designs, to name a few.


Sophie is always looking for ways to grow and improve her skill set, taking new ideas and styles while making it her own with her creativity. 

Photo Credits

Header: Dawn Thomson Photography

Square Photos: We Are Torches & Kate Roberge Photography 

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